Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On a Side Note

Life has felt especially busy as of late.....a short trip to Michigan this weekend (complete with exploring and my half marathon), trying to put our new house in order, making new friends, family visiting, and getting ready for my little girl's first birthday.  Then this weekend, we got some bad news from Red's old unit in Afghanistan.  Real quick, it snapped me from my to-do list and back to reality.... the reality that life is short and sweet....and hard.   My heart has been heavy this week, and honestly it's been difficult to post here.  But tomorrow is my sweet R's first birthday.....and I want to celebrate her beautiful life.  Though I always wanted to be a mother, I was also terrified of it.  I think it's because I mostly heard the horror stories that people like to tell you.  Sure it's not always convenient, and sure I'm often exhausted at the end of the day.........but when I think about being R's mother, these are the pictures that best convey my feelings.  She makes Red and I smile and laugh a little more every day, she makes me less selfish, and she makes the world a more magical place.  I wasn't prepared for her to steal my heart like she has.  Really, what an honor.  Happy Birthday little one! 
