Tuesday, April 8, 2014

4 Simple Ideas for your Easter Tablescape

It's hard to believe Easter is only two weeks away isn't it?  I'm actually hosting Easter for the first time and I couldn't be more excited.  I thought I would share with you some of my tablescape ideas (minus glasswear and silverwear).  

1. First off, I made the moss green chargers a couple years ago for a French garden themed birthday party I hosted, and I keep finding reasons to use them (I love it when that happens!).  I simply traced the shape of a plastic charger from sheets of green moss and then sprayed them with a fixative.  
2. My favorite thing about this tablescape is probably the different patterned dinner napkins.  For years I have had issues with dinner napkins……buying a large set can be expensive, and unless I buy at least ten napkins at once, I'm limiting myself to small dinner parties.  Not to mention, I have trouble making that commitment to one single pattern.   So, a couple of years ago I decided I would buy a napkin at a time as I found it, each with a similar "look".  Over time, it's doable (budget wise) and I don't have to worry about growing sick of a pattern. After all, I'm not married to it.  It also adds a cheery playful look to the table.

3. Flowers, flowers, flowers

4.  Of course you need something Easter-y for your tablescape.  There are tons of ideas all over pinterest, but I decided to put the wood burned Easter eggs I made last year to use.  I'm planning on decorating actual Easter eggs with R this year, so they will also be added to the mix.