Monday, May 7, 2012

Currently Loving

the marble coffee table.  Square ones, rectangular ones, and round ones.....I love them all.  Our current coffee table situation is that it's not a high priority on our "things we need" list.  With all the baby things and a move pending this fall, it will wait.  It's five years old, but  six moves later and (sadly) you can tell.  I even took all the precautions and told our movers they needed to wrap it with blankets before putting it on the dolly to go on the moving truck (I still don't know why this needs to be said.....and who knows what happens when it's taken off the truck and stored until we find a house at our next duty station).  Anyways, there are these small scratches coating the surface that look like I'm a bad housekeeper and G-mo hair is decorating the surface.  In fact, one time I had another military wife over for coffee and mentioned my frustration about it and she said "Oh ya, I did think that was Geronimo's hair".  Awesome.  Forget me and my coffee table woes though, and check out these marble beauties.

Here's one at CB2.  Take away the chrome and I'm sold.