Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DIY Driftwood Mirror

You may recall that mirror I was working on last fall and me promising to do a tutorial?  Well, it would have happened sooner, but I ran out of driftwood and the snow kept me from finding the right pieces( at least that's my story).  I finally finished, and even feel a little silly doing a  tutorial because it's so simple and uncomplicated.
PS.  Don't forget about the giveaway, today is the last day and winner is announced tomorrow!


1.  First off, I bought a mirror from Ikea for $10

2.  I found driftwood off the shore of Lake Ontario (think lots and lots of trips).  I may or may not have been that neighbor- I at least felt like it.
3.  This may be an obvious one, but I found (through trial and error) that mounting the mirror before applying the driftwood was the best way to go about this.  I then simply used a glue gun and started adding layer upon layer upon layer.  *You should note that you do not want to have any glue strings hanging when applying.  This will just end up being a disaster (not that I know).   
4.  Add more layers
 5.  And there you have it!  Total cost was roughly $13 ($3 for the fixtures to hang the mirror)!


  1. Found you from Knock Off your mirror. I've been wanting to do my own driftwood crafty project, but I can never find good sized pieces of driftwood. Your mirror really did come out wonderful. :)

  2. Thanks Chrissy! I definitely lucked out with all the available driftwood we have in our area. Let me know when you finish your project, I would love to see it:).

  3. There MUST be a way to "hurry the process" in 'developing' driftwood. Thinking, strip bark from branches, bleach and water, maybe? Not sure how to "tumble" them safely or how...............anyone know anything?????

  4. @Kate, I would love to know if you find anything? I have seen driftwood for sale on etsy and other sites.....but I realize that also could defeat the purpose

  5. Love it! I found driftwood for sale on ebay. I have had this PB mirror "pinned" for a while. I have a good size mirror in my bathroom but the frame is awful. When I saw this mirror, I thought it'd be a good way to cover the golden frame but I kept wondering if it could be doable. Yours looks just like the PB one.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Thanks so much Monica! I would love to see pictures of how your mirror turns out:)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love how simple and unique this DIY project is.
